Saturday, July 28, 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012

10 idioms

“I’m hungry as a horse.”
Meaning: “I’m very, very hungry.”

Each day. Though they ingest a relatively small amount of grass at a time, the continuous This odd saying probably originates from the huge amount of food that a horse needs eating makes them appear to be starving at all times!
Example: “I need to eat now, I’m very hungry. I’m hungry as a horse”

“I had eaten three bowls of chicken broth because I am so hungry. I’m hungry as a horse”

“I feel like a million bucks.”
Meaning: “I feel great!”

A million bucks refers to a million dollars. Obviously, if you had one million dollars, you would feel pretty good! This is especially true since this phrase originated in a time when a million dollars was worth even more than it is today.

“I have a lot of money, now I can do everything with this money. I feel like a million bucks”

"I made the winning goal in our hockey game. I feel like a million bucks!"

“He’s like clockwork.”
Meaning: “He is always punctual or on time.”

Clocks are the ultimate time keepers. The word clockwork refers to the gears that work inside the clock to keep it ticking and when you say someone is like those gears, you mean he or she is always on time, not early or late.

“Mandy always came to college in a timely manner, not late and not early. He’s like clockwork”

“He always sends the paper work on time every day. He’s like clockwork.”

“They were running like a bat out of hell.”
Meaning: “They were moving very quickly.

Hell is a very unpleasant place full of fire and demons, so you can imagine that a bat would be in a big hurry to get out of there! Thus, the expression means that the subject was going very fast.

“I went to the Sepang circuit to see the race car. The car is moving very fast, they were running like a bat out of hell.”

“When the police arrived at the Inanam to make checkup, a group of cigarette sellers
run very fast because afraid.

“I know them like the back of my hand.”
Meaning: “I know and understand them very well.”

Your hand is a part of your body and chances are, you’ve looked at it a few times in your life. You know exactly what the back of your hand looks like and so, when you use this expression to refer to how well you know someone, it means you are very close to them.

“I always knew what I should buy for my mother and my father, because I know them like the back of my hand.”

“When my siblings fight, I always know how to reconcile their. I know them like the back of my hand.”

“He sat there like a bump on a log.”
Meaning: “He didn’t move.”

Logs are inanimate. They don’t move. If there is a growth or a bump on a log, it doesn’t move either, at least, not on its own. So if someone or something is just sitting there, without making any motion, you can refer to them as a bump on a log. We usually use this one in a negative sense.
“three hours passed, but the man was still there without moving. He sat there like a bump on a log.”

“I do not know what was he thinking, he just sat there silent since the class began, and without moving for a while. He sat there like a bump on a log.”

“I feel like a fish out of water.”
Meaning: “I am uncomfortable or feel like I don’t belong.

Fish live in water, they can breathe in it and they feel comfortable there. When taken out of their water, they are very uncomfortable and certainly don’t belong.

“I feel like a fish out of water, when the first time I go to clubbing with my friends”

“I would not group with them again in the next semester, because I feel like a fish out of water in their group.”

“I’m watching you like a hawk.”
Meaning: “I will be watching you very carefully.”

Hawks are well known for their amazing eyesight. When you tell someone you’ll watch them like a hawk, it means you won’t miss a thing they do.

“Felix I will be watching you very carefully, I don’t want miss a thing you do. I’m watching you like a hawk.”

“Don’t do some mistake, or you will be chagrined. I’m watching you like a hawk.”

“Put a sock in it.”
Meaning: “Be quiet.”

Putting a sock in someone’s mouth tends to stop them from talking, which is where this expression comes from.

“close your mouth! You are very noisy. Put a sock in it!”

“Put a sock in it! She is very noise, I can’t be patient anymore.”

“Happy as a clam.”
Meaning: “I’m very happy.”

We refer to clams as happy because they have the ideal life . . . living on the beach, no work to do. They simply open their shells to get food. So, being happy as a clam is to be really pleased with life.

“when Felix says he wants to be my boyfriend, I happy as a clam.”

“I happy as a clam, when my father says they will celebrate my birthday this month.”

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


It's so boring to go to school in opposition to good life. People said that school is the base to make everything in future. I am very lucky because I am enough condition was abl to go to school and have some certification degrees. I have a job to cover my everyday needs. However, I need more such as the respect of the people around me, a wonderful partner in my life, an interesting job with high salary, a house at my favorite place... Wishes come easilier easier than make them. It's more difficult when I don't like studying. I can't focus long time for studying although I know it's really good for me. ... to be continued :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Nightmare itching


Hives: Why are They Worse at Night and What to Do?

The other night, my friend called me regarding her daughter who had a strange rash, hives we determined. What she didn’t understand was, though her daughter had the rash the night before, it had cleared up during the day, but was back that evening. I did tell her that it’s not unusual for rashes and hives, even insect bites to be fine during the day, but resurface or flare up at night. Though I knew that, I had no idea why, and curiosity got the best of me.
Hives are raised skin irritations that resemble mosquito bites, but can be much larger. They usually appear in groups, most frequently on arms, legs, back and torso, and can disappear as quickly as they come on. For some, however, they become chronic (lasting months or more) and as we’ve said, are usually worse at night. Obviously, this can become a very uncomfortable and frustrating situation; it’s important to understand why they are worse at night.
The body actually produces its own anti-itch chemicals which help us out with relieving all types of rashes, stings and hives. Often, this chemical provides enough relief for us; sometimes we need to help it along with an antihistamine like Benadryl or Chlortrimeton. As the sun goes down and our body prepares for sleep, however, this chemical in our body decreases. It is very common, like my friend’s daughter, for the rash to worsen at night and then disappear completely during the day. This is also why your insect bites itch more at night.
So we have the why, but what to do? Trying to sleep with a body full of itchy hives is not only hard to do, but while sleeping, many people scratch the rash unknowingly, making it worse. There are several recommendations of treatment worth trying.
Taking an oral antihistamine will not only relieve some of the itchiness, but also help with sleep. Benadryl and Chlortrimeton are the most often recommended (Benadryl is my particular drug of choice). Another non-medicative option to try is a cool shower or bath before bed, but not hot because that will exacerbate the hives. You can also add an oatmeal bath to your water, like Aveeno. Oatmeal baths are also a good option for babies and young children if you are opposed to medicating at a young age; it’s also a relaxing alternative.
Another suggestion is increasing your water intake throughout the day to help your body flush out the hive causing toxin. You can also try rooibos tea as it contains quercetin, a natural antihistamine, and it will simultaneously aid in the cleansing of your body.
Hives are not only uncomfortable, but also frustrating due to their mysterious nature. If you can’t find the cause, at least perhaps you can alleviate some of the nighttime itchiness. Here’s to a good night’s sleep.

Can Tea Cause Hives or Itching of the Skin?

I recently drink tea because it is good for our digest system and not long after that I start to have itching at night like crazy. I should stop drink green tea for a while because I never have itching in my life until now.
Certain teas can cause hives or itching of the skin because some teas contain herbs that you may be allergic to. In some cases, you may experience oral allergy syndrome, a condition that causes itching in your mouth after drinking certain herbal teas. This condition is found among people who've been diagnosed with hay fever, or allergic rhinitis. If you notice hives, facial swelling or general itching after drinking a certain tea, call your doctor and describe your symptoms. Avoid drinking that particular tea again, until you can be evaluated by your physician
Could it be a chemical reaction of green tea in the process of cleaning the toxin in the body? don't know. Since about 2 months I drink a pot of green tea a day. Now I have to stop and waiting for next couple of nights to see if it is true.

Friday, June 8, 2012


 When I see someone smile, I know immediately that he or she is dwelling in awareness.  This half-smile, how many artists have labored to bring it to the lips of countless statues and paintings?  I am sure the same smile must have been on the faces of the sculptors and painters as they worked.  Can you imagine an angry painter giving birth to such a smile?  Mona Lisa's smile is light, just a hint of a smile.  Yet even a smile like that is enough to relax all the muscles in our face, to banish all worries and fatigue.  A tiny bud of a smile on our lips nourishes awareness and calms us miraculously.  It returns us to the peace we thought we had lost.
Sometimes in a crowd we feel tired, cold, and lonely.  We may wish to withdraw to be by ourselves and become warm again, as I did when I closed the windows and sat by the fire, protected from the damp, cold wind.  Our senses are our windows to the world, and sometimes the wind blows through them and disturbs everything within us.  Some of us leave our windows open all the time, allowing
the sights and sounds of the world to invade us, penetrate us, and expose our sad,
troubled selves.  We feel so cold, lonely, and afraid.  Do you ever find yourself watching an awful TV program, unable to turn it off?  The raucous noises, explosions of gunfire, are upsetting.  Yet you don't get up and turn it off.
Why do you torture yourself in this way?  Don't you want to close your windows? Are you frightened of solitude--the emptiness and the loneliness you may find when you face yourself alone?
Smile though your heart is aching Smile even though it's breaking. When there are clouds in the sky you'll get by.